A little about me.
I am a product designer based in Atlanta, Ga, who comes from a diverse work background, and recently made a change.
I spent 15 years in film and television, where I built and dressed sets while scouring the city for props, all to help bring fictional worlds to life. This is where I learned to think quickly on my feet, problem solve on the fly, and I always carry a fire extinguisher. Being a freelancer for so long has led me to communicate very well and establish collaborative working relationships quickly with people I’ve just met. It’s also pushed me to see my work as an opportunity to play and create, even while under pressure.
Though my journey didn’t start in the field of design, I’ve come to realize I have been a designer all along; I just didn’t know it. I have a wide variety of interests, from photography to making music, building furniture to tending my garden, writing scripts to cooking elaborate meals. And I see now that they all share some elements of design - creativity, problem solving, and innovation. So it only makes sense to finally bring all those skills together in the world of design, where I can take my penchant for problem solving to a new level, building things that are worth a damn.